Sound and Shadow video Ripple Reflections II by Joy:
Joy Krauthammer, MBA, a performing spiritual percussionist and Sound Healer since 1990, also intuitively plays crystal & Tibetan singing bowls (AKA Himalayan singing bowls), gongs and bells. Joy is a vessel for sharing a symphony of meditational vibrational healing sounds. The Sounds of Joy singing bowls (which she carried back from Tibet) are known for their harmonic, lingering resonance and soothing sounds. The singing bowls' sound and vibration balance the brain's right and left hemispheres, and help center our chakras, and 4 Worlds of spirit, mind, emotion and body. Sound waves reverberate through one's body for relaxation and stillness, and create harmony within the body. Resonate higher healing emotions of gratitude and compassion. Vibrations open energy channels for flowing, allowing for access to more joy, heart, love, unity, peace, Oneness connection with soul and Source, and higher enhanced, expanded states of consciousness in our UniVerse.
Receive Joy's Sound Spa, a gift of blesSings for wholeness, and with gratitude, chant and sound poetry. At the onset of the Sound Spa, the participants are asked to request with intention from the Universe, The Source of All BlesSings: Healing for themselves and for others, by naming recipients.
Enjoy your own personal or group Sound Spa massage with Sounds of Joy.
Group sound healing is like lighting a candle. When sharing the light, it increases, and never diminishes.
Conscious connection of wholeness, healing and Oneness, in the Kabbalistic Four Worlds of spirit, mind, heart and body, is Joy's musical kavannah / intention. Joy is inspired by the call to "Serve G*d in Joy" / "Ivdu Et Hashem B'Simcha" (Psalm 100:2) and believes that, "Joy breaks through all barriers." (Baal Shem Tov)
Joy Krauthammer, as Sounds of Joy, plays percussion, and crystal and Tibetan singing bowls, ethnic bells, gongs, ting shas / hand cymbals, chimes, ocean drums, shakers and rain sticks at spiritual events, holidays, New Moon/Rosh Chodesh ceremonies, Full moon inter-faith gatherings, synagogues and their retreats, women's retreats, chaverot, and pre-Pesach seders, temples, simchas, Malavah Malkas, Havdalahs, rituals - mikveh / water purifications, Simchat Chochmahs, and life-cycle ceremonies and birthdays. Joy plays at yoga studios, art galleries, hospitals, publication, and peace parties, festivals, conferences, Kabbalistic and writing workshops, drum circles, and for personal individual and group healing meditations. Playing singing bowls, Joy has served as Chevra Kadisha Shomer for friends, z'l.
Favorites Sounds of Joy gigs include UCLArts and Healing Department workshops and conferences, accompanying music and movement therapy facilitators at Healing Beat fundraiser, REMO's Women's Drum Day, Johrei Temple, monthly Open To Wonder services at American Jewish University, Simchat Chochmah workshops and ceremonies, and annual Wagner Women retreats at Brandeis-Bardin Institute. It was a delight for Joy to serve 500 participants dressed in white, at Aleph's International 2011 Kallah's meditative erev Shabbat Walk on the way to pray. In the garden before the sun set, Joy invited attendees to accompany her on the enticing small percussion instruments. On full moons, Joy has loved serving as Sound Healer for the Spiritual Unity Movement (SUM). Joy was in heaven as she played for SUM's "Opening the 11.11.11 Portal" celebration from the center of the Onion's Medicine Wheel Mandala, accompanying the creator, Ron Wescott, as he lead guided visualizations, and also New Age musician, Dov.
Accompanying a crystal didgeridoo player at Gaia Festival, and a traditional Australian 'didge' player at Ruach HaAretz, and serving as sound healer at the Women's Music Festival are favorites for Joy. She has loved playing singing bowls at the ocean and in forests, and at Esalen in Big Sur while sitting on a rock in a running spring outside the meditation house. It was fun for joy to create a professional recording in a Hollywood sound studio, filled with her percussion and singing bowls, with an accompanying didgeridoo, and that recording was sold in 'new age' stores.
Joy was blessed to be present and to play at the Los Angeles salon for visiting Grandmother Pauline Tangiora, Maori elder from New Zealand, Ambassador of the International Council of Thirteen Indigenous Grandmothers. At a "Day of Gratitude" Joy played her heart bowl for the Parliament of World Religions/SCCPWR.
On singing bowls, accompanying Breslover, Avraham Greenbaum and his guitar, was fulfilling for Joy. He authored "The Wings of the Sun, Traditional Jewish Healing in Theory and Practice."
Joy loved playing the singing bowls with Kabbalah Bach during Women's Drum Day 2011. Although, mostly playing solo, Joy has enjoyed co-playing meditations with sound healer, Kabbalah Bach, and also Shakti. Playing with several other "bowlers" at the Sounds of Peace event of the Parliament of World Religions was an unusual experience, while accompanying Neal Miller and his Deli Lama Orchestra with harp, flute, guitar, cello, drum, and voice.
Sound healer and spiritual percussionist, Joy Krauthammer, plays new venues and ongoing Crystal and Tibetan Singing Bowl meditations especially at healing sessions for spiritual Jewish Renewal events and at Lev Eisha, Makom Ohr Shalom, B'nai Horin, and Ahavat Torah. At synagogues during the Hebraic month of Elul, Joy appreciates accompanying souls to prepare to uplift their prayers for their High Holiday spiritual spaces. Rabbis T'mimah Ickovitz, Stan Levy, Laura Owens, Toba August and K'vod Wieder enjoy giving guided meditation visualizations while Joy plays.
For many years, during annual High Holiday Renewal services with Reb Zalman Schachter-Shalomi, Joy accompanies healer visualization guide, Sheri (Gantman) Myers, as 100 healers lay hands on each other, and Joy surrounds every individual in swirling sound. Beit Miriam's Melinda Ribner offered a former Sukkah setting for a women's gathering and meditative healing session, to receive crystal Sounds of Joy. Joy played percussion in celebration for the first Shabbat in the new locations for LA's Makom Ohr Shalom, and for Rabbi Mordecai Finley's Ohr Ha Torah, where she helped open the holy space with a large resonant gong held high.
One unusual setting for Joy, was playing a 'sound bath' for the actors, playwright and director, on their stage, immediately following their powerful Met Theatre performance "On Holy Ground". The healing sound gift was "appreciated". Rancho Cordillera del Norte was another unusual setting with Joy playing Tibetan Singing Bowls in their Rancho Theatre, a space for World Cultures Concerts, and formerly inhabited by Rancheros, and Chumash, and Tongva Native Peoples.
Look for Joy, woman in purple, also at percussion gigs with flying high timbrel, dancing in the aisles, and playing behind her African djembe drum.
Joy Krauthammer's singing bowls and gong are heard on You Tube movie,
Ripple Reflections #2 With Joy
Joy Krauthammer's singing bowls and gong are heard on You Tube movie,
Ripple Reflections #2 With Joy
"My need, my avodah / my work, is knowing that if my presence, my Sounds of Joy, my gift that The Source of All BlesSings gave to me-- can help another soul to lift their prayers / tehilim to G*d, as a dance going up, for a shefa / abunDance to come down through the Four Worlds, then I am grateful that I can be of service in joy to G*d and to community."
- Joy Krauthammer, sound healer
Joy Krauthammer -- a percussionist, and sound healer--Sounds of Joy, Sound Spa, and her bands, OPEN TO WONDER, and KINDRED SPIRITS are also available for musical and spiritual gatherings.
Joy's upcoming & past public SOUND SPA HEALINGS & MEDITATIONS
B'NAI HORIN, Sept. 30 & Oct.1, 2019 American Jewish University, CA . Singing Bowls sound bath.
LEV EISHA Women's Retreat, Mar. 23, 2019, Holy Spirit Retreat Center, Encino, CA.
Crystal Singing Bowl Sound Bath.
HOLIDAY CONCERT and Candlelight Procession, Dec. 16, 2018, New Mission Theatre, Rancho de la Cordillera, Northridge, LA. Joy Krauthammer, Sound Bath wandering minstrel.
B'NAI HORIN, Sept. 9 & Sept. 19, 2018, American Jewish University, CA . Singing Bowls sound bath.
ASIAN MYSTIQUE in MUSIC and ART, Sunday, April 15, 2018
Rancho de la Cordillera, Northridge, LA. Asian orchestra with Elisabeth Waldo, composer, conductor. Ancient to Contemporary Asia. Gong, Crystal and Tibetan Singing Bowls Sound Bath.
LEV EISHA Women's Weekend, Jan. 27, 2018, Holy Spirit Retreat Center, Encino, CA.
Gong with Crystal and Tibetan Singing Bowls Sound Bath and Torah meditation.
LEV EISHA Retreat, Jan. 19, 2017, Brandeis-Bardin, Simi Valley, CA.
Gong with Crystal and Tibetan Singing Bowls Sound Bath and Torah meditation.
B'NAI HORIN, Oct. 21 & Oct 30, 2017, American Jewish University, CA . Singing Bowls sound bath.
LEV EISHA Retreat retreat Jan. 19, 2017, Brandeis-Bardin, Simi Valley, CA.
Gong with Crystal and Tibetan Singing Bowls Sound Bath and Torah meditation.
PARLIAMENT OF WORLD RELIGIONS Oct. 6, 2016, Onion, Sepulveda, CA
B'NAI HORIN, Oct. 3, 12 2016, American Jewish University, CA
LEV EISHA Retreat retreat March 25-27, 2016, Brandeis-Bardin, Simi Valley, CA.
Gong with Crystal and Tibetan Singing Bowls Sound Bath and Torah meditation.
AHAVAT TORAH, Jan. 23, 2016, Tu B'Shvat Seder with Rain Stick Tree Meditation, Jan. 23, 2016, LA
DANCING WITH MY SOUL, retreat Jan. 23-25, 2015 with Lev Eisha women and friends.
Brandeis-Bardin, Simi Valley, CA. Crystal and Tibetan Singing Bowls Torah meditation
B'NAI HORIN, Sept. 13, 14 and Sept. 22, 23, 2015 Brandeis-Bardin, Simi Valley, CA
AUGUST MOON FESTIVAL, Rancho de la Cordillera, Northridge, LA, August 15, 2015
Asian orchestra with Elisabeth Waldo, composer, violinist. Gong, Crystal and Tibetan Singing Bowls Sound Bath.
KALSMAN INSTITUTE and Cedars-Sinai, JEWISH WISDOM AND WELLNESS ~ Festival of Learning,
Wednesday, April 29th, 2015 7:30pm Temple Ramat Zion, Northridge
Jewish Healing Prayers and Sound Spa
with Rabbi Ahud Sela and Joy Krauthammer
KALSMAN INSTITUTE and Cedars-Sinai, JEWISH WISDOM AND WELLNESS - Festival of Learning,
Sunday, April 26, 2015, 2:30pm Ahavat Torah Congregation, LA
Maimonides' Healing Remedies and Sound Spa
with Rabbi Miriam Hamrell and Joy Krauthammer
WAGNER WOMEN’S ANNUAL WINTER RETREAT! Let Our Spirits Soar! Shabbaton, Fri-Sun, March 2014, AND Jan. 25-27, 2013. Brandeis-Bardin campus, AJU, Simi Valley with my crystal and Tibetan Singing Bowls.
PARLIAMENT OF WORLD RELIGIONS Oct. 6, 2016, Onion, Sepulveda, CA
B'NAI HORIN, Oct. 3, 12 2016, American Jewish University, CA
LEV EISHA Retreat retreat March 25-27, 2016, Brandeis-Bardin, Simi Valley, CA.
Gong with Crystal and Tibetan Singing Bowls Sound Bath and Torah meditation.
AHAVAT TORAH, Jan. 23, 2016, Tu B'Shvat Seder with Rain Stick Tree Meditation, Jan. 23, 2016, LA
DANCING WITH MY SOUL, retreat Jan. 23-25, 2015 with Lev Eisha women and friends.
Brandeis-Bardin, Simi Valley, CA. Crystal and Tibetan Singing Bowls Torah meditation
B'NAI HORIN, Sept. 13, 14 and Sept. 22, 23, 2015 Brandeis-Bardin, Simi Valley, CA
AUGUST MOON FESTIVAL, Rancho de la Cordillera, Northridge, LA, August 15, 2015
Asian orchestra with Elisabeth Waldo, composer, violinist. Gong, Crystal and Tibetan Singing Bowls Sound Bath.
KALSMAN INSTITUTE and Cedars-Sinai, JEWISH WISDOM AND WELLNESS ~ Festival of Learning,
Wednesday, April 29th, 2015 7:30pm Temple Ramat Zion, Northridge
Jewish Healing Prayers and Sound Spa
with Rabbi Ahud Sela and Joy Krauthammer
KALSMAN INSTITUTE and Cedars-Sinai, JEWISH WISDOM AND WELLNESS - Festival of Learning,
Sunday, April 26, 2015, 2:30pm Ahavat Torah Congregation, LA
Maimonides' Healing Remedies and Sound Spa
with Rabbi Miriam Hamrell and Joy Krauthammer
WAGNER WOMEN’S ANNUAL WINTER RETREAT! Let Our Spirits Soar! Shabbaton, Fri-Sun, March 2014, AND Jan. 25-27, 2013. Brandeis-Bardin campus, AJU, Simi Valley with my crystal and Tibetan Singing Bowls.
ON HOLY GROUND, The Met Theatre, LA. Nov. 13. Singing Bowls sound healing.
11-11-11 Spiritual Unity Movement, the Onion, Nov. 11, 2011, 6:55 pm, 9550 Haskell Blvd., Sepulveda. Singing Bowls sound bath.
WOMEN'S DRUM DAY, all day, Sunday, Oct. 30, REMO, North Hollywood, CA
Singing Bowls sound bath.
Singing Bowls sound bath.
WOMEN'S DRUM DAY, A day of drumming, dancing, sound, and ceremony. Sunday, Oct. 30, 9am - 5pm. 8:30am registration. I love being one of the presenters at this all day WDD. Joy Krauthammer & Kabbalah Bach on crystal & Tibetan singing bowls, bells & gongs.Chris Gacsi-- Middle Eastern drumming. Marguerite Kusuhara-- Belly dancing, Stacie Yeldell-- sacred sound rhythms, Rowan Storm-- Frame drum workshop. Fantastic drum and dance teachers. Opening & closing ceremonies --calling of Ancestors and the Four Directions.
Meets at REMO, 7308 Coldwater Canyon, North Hollywood. $50 for entire day and with delicious, healthy lunch. 818 353-6628 or 818 982-0461
B'NAI HORIN, Sept. 25, 2014 and Oct. 4, 2014, Sept. 4, 5, 2013, Sept. 4, 5, 2013, Sept. 16, 17, 2012 and Oct. 7, 2011, House of the Book, Brandeis-Bardin, Simi Valley, CA
UCLArts and Healing First Annual One-Day Conference, Sunday, Sept. 25, North Hollywood, CA. Singing Bowls sound bath.
~ ~ ~
To hire Joy for your Sound Spa massage: contact her please by leaving a COMMENT below, or write to Joy at FaceBook, joyofwisdom1 at, or call Joy.
Joy has studied sound healing at Esalen, and Omega Institute, Sound and Consciousness Institute, as well as with America's finest sound healers, and with the Dalai Lama's Tibetan monks. She loved meditating on the singing bowls in Tibet.
To honor people's privacy, Joy's photos usually do not include Sounds of Joy participants.
Joy's musical bio can be read on links:
Joy Krauthammer
Crystal Singing Bowl
Joy by Sandy Pond
Background photo © Joy Krauthammer
composite by Joy
Sounds of Joy
UCLA writing workshop
Healing Sounds Word Art by Joy
What does all this JOY mean from friends? It means that I meet my life's MISSION, serving G*d through JOY.
How about you? Join me.
Thoughts shared about Joy and her gift of music:
Playing intuitively from her heart and soul, “Joy’s music is part of the universal song to the one creator, Source of All Life.”
- Yosef Ben Shlomo Hakohen, Hazon – Our Universal Vision, Jerusalem
(My beloved chareidi Orthodox Reb Yosef, z'l, became niftar 27 Elul 5771. He was my joy.)
(My beloved chareidi Orthodox Reb Yosef, z'l, became niftar 27 Elul 5771. He was my joy.)
“Joy, a woman with a deep soul”, is playing for the congregations to help bring them to praise the Source of All Blessings. …Joy has a faith gene and her soul resonates with the beauty on all the places she goes to.”
- Roberto Loiderman, Jewish Journal
“Joy performed a heart opening/awakening, and ethereal piece on Tibetan and crystal singing bowls. My heart chakra was activated and it was deeply moving. Joy is an eclectic mix of gypsy, faery, and angel, and her music shimmers just like her lavender, gold-speckled scarves.”
- Kris Oster, Gaia Festival
"Your music, and your presence add a deep abiding spiritual dimension to our service."
- Rabbi Toba August, Lev Eisha, Adat Shalom, Academy of Jewish Religion
"Your drum beat is like a heart beat and excitement; when you are playing, I feel like it is you enveloping all of us in your loving arms.
You radiate warmth and love and make others feel so comfortable.
Thank you for being your beautiful soulful self. You are a precious being."
Thank you for being your beautiful soulful self. You are a precious being."
- Debbie Friedman, singer, composer (sadly died, January 9, 2011)
"Joy, Gila Rena Tzohara, is mamash gevaldt; Double Joy and Light, my sweetest percussionist and holy sister." (When Reb Shlomo named Joy, "Tzohara".)
"The holiest parts of your body are your hands because they reach the highest."
- Reb Shlomo Carlebach, zt'l, universal legendary rebbe of blessed memory, composer, singer, the "Dancing Rebbe", recording artist, guitarist, Torah scholar. (died Oct. 20, 1994)
"Joy's Sounds of Joy ~ Sound Spa is wonderful, marvelous, excellent."
- Wagner Women, American Jewish University
"Many recite the words Psalm 150, 'Praise G*d with the Drums...'
I know only a few people who really drum for G*d's sake; Joy Krauthammer is among the the first of them."
- Reb Zalman Schachter-Shalomi, co-author of "Jewish With Feeling"
"Joy weaves spiritual depth, world rhythms, and powerful healing into each musical journey. She can rattle you into healing or deep self realization. Enjoy the rhythm!"
- Christine Stevens, Director, REMO Drum's Health Rhythms; author, Music Medicine, Healing Drum Kit
"Joy Krauthammer has added her skillful percussion and her exuberance to my Shir Ecstasy, Jospel workshops at both Kallah and Ruach HaAretz concerts, helping the choir to reach ecstatic heights."
- Sharon Alexander, Director, Shir Ecstasy Jospel Choir
"Joy's music flows from her heart in the spirit of service and lovingkindness. She stays present, intuitively knowing what needs to be played at any given moment. Joy's music will captivate your mind and elevate your soul."
- Ping Ho, MA, MPH. Director, UCLArts and Healing
Dearest Joy,
I have been thinking of you in the last two days and basking in the immense love that flows from your soul. I can not thank you enough for all of your support and generosity of time and spirit. The gong, singing bowls, bell and ocean drum improvisation you did throughout the event (Healing Beat) was the perfect embellishment to the event! I couldn't have been more delighted with the way that the entire event came together. You, dear Joy, played a big part of it both before and during the event. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
- Much love, Ping
Dearest Joy, You are JOY. You bring so much JOY to everyone around you. Thank you for sharing your JOY with all of us on Sunday. It is a JOY to work with you. Joy Joy Joy. Perfect name for you. Much love, Ping
- Ping Ho, MA, MPH, Director, UCLArts and Healing
JOY! JOY! JOY! That's what you are. YOU are so totally awesome!!!! Thank you so much for all of your help, support, and beautiful singing bowls and singing heart throughout the healing service. It was glorious to share the healing service experience with you.
Thank you for your valuable contribution and your BEAUTIFUL HEART.
Love and hugs,
- Sheri (Gantman) Myers, MFT, Straight From The Heart
- Sheri (Gantman) Myers, MFT, Straight From The Heart
Dearest JOYful (Miriam),
Thank you dearest JOY of joys for your amazing contribution of light, love, and luminous sounding for the Healing Service. Your musical singing bowls and timbrels danced upon and delighted every heart in that room Thank you for your healing presence and incredible support. Thank you for decorating the platform with all those gorgeous scarfs and textiles. Your grace filled the room (and my heart) in so many delicious ways. I am eternally grateful for your presence in my life. It is truly ALWAYS a joy to see you. You truly ARE your name! And now, we're entering YOUR days.
I am grateful to you beyond measure. My heart is still singing in joy.
Love you lots,
- Sheri (Gantman) Myers, MFT, Straight From The Heart
Thank you for your beautiful presence and the beautiful sound of the bowls.
- (from my dear Rabbi Stan Levy, B'nai Horin, my first Renewal rabbi & shul, beginning over two decades ago.)
- (from my dear Rabbi Stan Levy, B'nai Horin, my first Renewal rabbi & shul, beginning over two decades ago.)
The environment you and Kabbalah created with your healing sounds were akin to that of a quiet spa that makes one forget everything that happened before it. Pure relaxation. It went beyond that and manifested deep healing and connection. I wanted it to go and and on. You were a gift.
- Maria Kostelas, composer, musician
Joy! you are the epitome of your name and it's a positively wonderfilled experience being in the beauty of your auric energy! Your participation in the 11:11:11 Portal event was so good! It was truly wonderful holding the space of spiritual energy with you, Kabbalah, and our crystal singing bowls! AND, your photography is gorgeous! I re-lived the event just by tuning in to the sacred geometry crystal grids in all your photos!
Joy! you are the epitome of your name and it's a positively wonderfilled experience being in the beauty of your auric energy! Your participation in the 11:11:11 Portal event was so good! It was truly wonderful holding the space of spiritual energy with you, Kabbalah, and our crystal singing bowls! AND, your photography is gorgeous! I re-lived the event just by tuning in to the sacred geometry crystal grids in all your photos!
Namaste, Love and Big Hugs!
- Florence "Gaia Mama" Riggs
Sweet, dear, beautiful JOY,
What a perfect name for YOU. You truly spread JOY and LIGHT wherever you go. THANK YOU for the beautiful healing energy you contributed to opening, loving, uplifting and deepening us all. I loved how you touched EVERY ONE in that room singing right into their hearts with your beautiful soundings. I feel so personally blessed to have your amazing talent and energy be part of the Makom Healing experience. Not to mention the gorgeous music you create at the HH services.
There was NOTHING better than looking over at you in the middle of the healing service and seeing that beautiful smile of yours smiling back as you danced around with your bowls. My heart filled with such great love, joy and spiritual nourishment. If there was a modern day personification of Miriam, I think that it's YOU.
Thank you so much for being the merry, cheerful, delightful, jubilant, rejoicing, refreshing, JOY-giving TREASURE you ARE!
With love, respect and deep gratitude,
- Sheri Myers
"O joyful one,
Your presentation was perfect. I watched you move around with such grace and ease...I felt you played from your heart and soul...and it was beautiful. The bowls are such a valuable tool for us to have at the WDDs...and I'm sure the ladies all enjoyed them, felt them, and valued the energy you shared with us all.
Thank you again, for your sweet feminine presence played an important part of the day...and I know everyone is grateful."
"O joyful one,
Your presentation was perfect. I watched you move around with such grace and ease...I felt you played from your heart and soul...and it was beautiful. The bowls are such a valuable tool for us to have at the WDDs...and I'm sure the ladies all enjoyed them, felt them, and valued the energy you shared with us all.
Thank you again, for your sweet feminine presence played an important part of the day...and I know everyone is grateful."
great blessings
to you,
- Laney Clevenger, Director, Women's Drum Day
- Laney Clevenger, Director, Women's Drum Day
"As a rabbi who has experienced Joy and her crystal bowl and Tibetan
singing bowls for many years at our Shabbat retreats, please know, as the late
Rabbi Aryeh Kaplan taught, meditation is intrinsically Jewish (and
Joy shares that with us via sound). The goal of our prayers
is to change ourselves, so we can be the Mentchen
we are meant to be.
"The crystal bowl, played by Joy, takes us
deeper…into a meditative prayer. We invite a oneness with Shechinah...with
Reality and the Source of All Life. The
calm peacefulness opens the way to experience the One, the Holy One, in the
most intimate and meaningful way. This ritual is an integral part to our
spirited, reflective and meaningful Shabbat morning davening."
- Rabbi Toba August
"The watchword of our faith is the Sh'ma prayer, a
prayer from G*d to us, a prayer that comes directly out of the Torah. The first word of this prayer is SH'MA–which
means "LISTEN," to "HEAR". It is one of the most
important things we are commanded/directed to do – to listen to our hearts, our
souls, our conscience; to listen to the messages from our bodies; to listen to
the pain and suffering of others; and through listening and hearing we can begin
the important work of healing ourselves, our relationships, our communities,
and the world.
to the sounds of the bowls, HEARING the singing that arises from them, puts our
bodies and minds in a place of "kabbalah,"
of receiving and accepting that which is to come next. One of the foundations
of Jewish healing is the ability to connect to the Greater One, and One-ness,
and the sounds that emanate from Joy's playing of these beautiful bowls
are a language of connection without words."
- Rabbi Laura Owens
"Being Jewish means being present in each moment. That is what makes each moment sacred–when one is present. The singing bowls help one move into a state of present-ness, and being able to say, 'Henayni' / I am here."
"Being Jewish means being present in each moment. That is what makes each moment sacred–when one is present. The singing bowls help one move into a state of present-ness, and being able to say, 'Henayni' / I am here."
- Rabbi Stan Levy
Dear Joy,
The (Kalsman Jewish Wisdom & Wellness) Healing Program was beautiful, informative, transformative and well prepared and presented. Yasher Kochen!!!
Thank you so much for all you give us and the greater community,
B'shalom v'Ahava,
- Shoshi Wilchfort
Thank you so much for all you give us and the greater community,
B'shalom v'Ahava,
- Shoshi Wilchfort
Joy’s healing music, with the use of her Crystal and Tibetan singing bowls, produced hauntingly beautiful sounds that were quite soothing and stimulating. The birds in the area also listened and joined in her beautiful music.
Joy, you captivated us with your incredible art of making the bowls sing. Along with the sounds of your gongs, bells and chimes, you created an amazing symphony for the Sound Spa Meditation.
- Ahavat Torah review for Kalsman Jewish Wisdom & Wellness ~ Festival of Learning
I just wanted to tell both of you (Rabbi Sela and Joy) how much I enjoyed last night. I am still relaxed and peaceful tonight. Thank you for having the spiritual musical healing at TRZ.
- Nancy Perren
- Nancy Perren
The text class given by the Rabbi (Hamrell) with your addition of sound through our meditation made for the perfect learning experience. I enjoyed it all.
- Steve Miller
Your bowls were beautiful. Keep on playing the bowls– it is so pure and takes us to deep places.
Many blessings, - Paulette Rochelle Levy
Your bowls were beautiful. Keep on playing the bowls– it is so pure and takes us to deep places.
Many blessings, - Paulette Rochelle Levy
~ ~ ~
Joy Krauthammer invites you into this heart-centered Sound Bath safe space either privately, or within group - to close your eyes, uncross feet and hands, relax your body, be still, quiet, receive and deeply listen in this meditation. This is your experience alone -spiritually, mentally, emotionally and bodily. Soulfully soak in sounds and vibrations of joy.
Joy Krauthammer, House of the Book
the Shin tree
© Leslie Goldman
Joy Krauthammer and Kabbalah Bach
the Shin tree
© Leslie Goldman
Sounds of Joy
American Jewish University
© Joy Krauthammer
To prepare myself for offering Sound Bath meditation
I may walk by joyous purple flowers to align myself with nature,
minutes before Sound Healing.
Selfie © Joy Krauthammer 9.2019
Joy Krauthammer
Brandeis-Bardin Institute
© Faye
Joy Krauthammer
Brandeis-Bardin Institute
© Faye
Joy Krauthammer
Tibetan and crystal singing bowls
Joy Krauthammer and Kabbalah Bach
Tibetan and crystal singing bowls
Women's Drum Day
© Yda Ziment
Joy Krauthammer and Kabbalah Bach
Tibetan singing bowls playing pals
UCLA Arts & Healing
© Denise Railla
Joy Krauthammer and Kabbalah Bach
Crystal singing bowls playing sisters
11-11-11 Spiritual Unity Movement
Crystal Medicine Wheel Mandala
© Patrick Harbula, SUM
Joy Krauthammer and Kabbalah Bach
Tibetan singing bowls playing sisters
Johrei Temple, early 1990's
Joy Krauthammer
Asian Mystique Music & Art
Rancho de la Cordillera, Northridge
© Isidro Meza
Joy Krauthammer, Singing Bowls, Percussion
Asian Mystique Music & Art
Rancho de la Cordillera, Northridge
© Paul Dentzel
August Moon Festival
Rancho de la Cordillera, Northridge
© Joy Krauthammer
August Moon Festival
Rancho de la Cordillera, Northridge
© Joy Krauthammer
Joy and Woman Gong
Wagner Women's Shabbaton, Molle Library
Sounds of Joy
Ahavat Torah
© Joy Krauthammer
Sounds of Joy
B'nai Horin
© Joy Krauthammer 10.2017
Sounds of Joy
American Jewish University
© Joy Krauthammer 10.2016
Sounds of Joy
B'nai Horin
American Jewish University
© Joy Krauthammer 9.2018
Sounds of Joy
American Jewish University
© Joy Krauthammer 10.2016
Sounds of Joy Sound Spa
B'nai Horin
© Joy Krauthammer
Sounds of Joy Sound Spa
B'nai Horin
© Joy Krauthammer
Sounds of Joy
© Joy Krauthammer 9.2015
Sounds of Joy
© Joy Krauthammer 9.2015
Sounds of Joy Sound Spa
B'nai Horin
© Joy Krauthammer
Sounds of Joy Sound Spa
B'nai Horin
© Joy Krauthammer
Sounds of Joy Sound Spa
B'nai Horin
© Joy Krauthammer
Sounds of Joy
Tibetan and crystal singing bowls, bells, rain sticks and altar
© Joy Krauthammer
Sounds of Joy
Joy's Asian bells inherited from mother, z"l
© Joy Krauthammer
Sounds of Joy
Memorial for mother, Libby, z"l
B'nai Horin in Carol's garden at base of beautiful old tree.
Joy's Asian bells and small stand gong inherited from mother.
© Joy Krauthammer
Joy's WOMAN gong
B'nai Horin
© Joy Krauthammer
Joy Krauthammer & Tibetan Singing Bowls
Kallah 2011 Erev Shabbat Walk
University of Redlands
© Eileen Ettinger
Joy Krauthammer & Tibetan Singing Bowls
Aleph Kallah 2011 Erev Shabbat Walk
Eileen, Judith, Linda, Nessa, Leona
(Sarah's Tent women)
Six women of 600 Renewalites in white
receive the meditative Sounds of Joy.
© Eileen's camera
Joy Krauthammer, Sounds of Joy
World Peace Mandala Garden Party
home of Ruth Broyde-Sharon
© Shira Solomon
Joy Krauthammer, Sounds of Joy
Gaia Festival, Temescal Canyon
Joy Krauthammer
Gallery Sounds of Joy
Joy Krauthammer
Sounds of Joy
© Laney
Joy Krauthammer
Sounds of Joy, Poetry reading
Book store
Joy Krauthammer
crystal and Tibetan singing bowls sound spa
Remo, Women's Drum Day
Joy Krauthammer
crystal and Tibetan singing bowls sound spa
Remo, Women's Drum Day
Joy Krauthammer in healing ritual with beloved Marilyn, z"l
© Miriam Stein
Joy Krauthammer in healing meditation
Sarah's Tent for Marilyn
© Miriam Stein
Joy Krauthammer
Sounds of Joy,
B'nai Horin, Brandeis-Bardin
Singing Bowls and Gong
© Mark Bachrach
Joy Krauthammer
Sounds of Joy, Singing Bowl
B'nai Horin, Brandeis-Bardin
© Leslie Goldman
Joy Krauthammer
Sounds of Joy
Hod, 5th Sephirah in Tree of Life
Ahavat Torah retreat
Joy Krauthammer, crystal singing bowl
Makom Ohr Shalom annual healing service 2011
© Marianne Love PATCH news
Joy Krauthammer
Sounds of Joy Sound Spa. Tibetan Singing Bowls
© Barbara
Joy Krauthammer, crystal singing bowl in center
UCLA ArtsandHealing conference at Remo
© Denise Railla
Joy Krauthammer
Tibetan Monks, Tibetan drum
Joy Krauthammer
Tibetan and crystal singing bowls, gongs, bells, chimes
Sound Spa meditation, Women's Drum Day
© Maria Kostelas and altered by Joy Krauthammer
Joy, Joy Krauthammer & Tibetan Singing Bowls
Kallah 2011 Erev Shabbat Walk
© Gayle Gale
Tibetan singing round bowl goes good with big organ.
University of Redlands, CA
© Joy Krauthammer
Joy's crystal singing bowls, chimes, bells and golden gongs
REMO Recreationsl Music Center
REMO Recreationsl Music Center
© Denise Railla
Joy and her Tibetan singing bowls ring
UCLA Arts and Healing
© Denise Railla
Joy and her Tibetan singing bowls sing
Joy Krauthammer with her head in a Tibetan singing bowl
UCLA Arts and Healing
© Denise Railla
Joy and her Tibetan singing bowls breath
UCLA Arts and Healing
© Denise Railla
Joy and her Tibetan singing bowls sing
Joy Krauthammer with her head in a Tibetan singing bowl
Joy's Tibetan and crystal singing bowls
MOS healing ceremony
© Joy Krauthammer
Joy's Tibetan singing bowls
© Denise Railla
Joy's Tibetan and Crystal singing bowls
Kalsman Institute, Jewish Wisdom & Wellness ~ Festival of Learning I
Ahavat Torah 2015
© Joy Krauthammer
Joy's Tibetan and Crystal singing bowls
Kalsman Institute, Jewish Wisdom & Wellness ~ Festival of Learning II
Ahavat Torah 2015
© Joy Krauthammer
Joy's Sound Spa chimes and hand-painted healing pillow
El Na ReFa Na La, Moses' prayer for healing, BeHa'alotecha.
Pillow used during Rabbi Sela's Healing Prayer presentation.
Temple Ramat Zion 2015
© Joy Krauthammer
Sound Spa space preparation
Temple Ramat Zion
© Joy Krauthammer
Sounds of Joy Sound Spa
White scarf brought home from Tibet used during healing service and prayers
because that week Nepal was ravaged by massive earthquake killing 8,000 people.
Miriam pillow present to remind us of Moses' prayer for healing, BeHa'alotecha.
Temple Ramat Zion
© Joy Krauthammer April 29, 2015
Places Joy plays Sounds of Joy for Healing Sounds
photos and collage © Joy Krauthammer
Joy Krauthammer & Singing Bowl by Aaron Kirsch (top photo)
Sounds of Joy by Joy Krauthammer
Woman Gong & Joy by Dali
Joy Krauthammer, Tibetan singing bowl at Shin tree by Leslie Goldman
at Brandeis-Bardin
Joy and Kabbalah Bach by Denise Railla
Joy and her crystal and golden Tibetan singing bowls and gongs by Denise Railla
Singing bowls and percussion by Joy Krauthammer
Joy's crystal and golden Tibetan singing bowls by Joy Krauthammer
Joy Krauthammer, Kallah Shabbat Walk by Eileen Ettinger
Kalsman's Sound Spa workshops at Temple Ramat Zion and Ahavat Torah by Joy Krauthammer
Sound Spa by Faye Melton
"Before dawn, the patient allowed me to play my crystal singing bowl for him; to soothe and comfort him-- to try to remove pain from the constant, quietly coughing, pneumonia filled chest while his temperature was rising. I opened the gently tied, richly tasseled golden cords, removed the magical opaque crystal bowl and the light fawn colored, soft leather-wrapped wand from my thick luscious bag; purple satin lined inside and purple velvet outside.
"The "F" tone, heart chakra, seven inch wide crystal singing bowl, I lovingly played to encourage the healing sound vibrations to fill the air and envelop the patient in his hospital bed at home. Not knowing the singing bowl's chakra--heart, the patient asked me to marry him.
"As dawn broke, we heard coming from down the hill in the Valley, the rising sound of the screeching sirens that filled the air, as once again, the 911 ambulance and fire truck arrived at the house."
- Joy Krauthammer, sound healer
May you be blessed with vibrations of joy to fill your heart.
Joy and her crystal singing bowl
Women's Drum Day
Women's Drum Day
Joy Krauthammer, crystal singing bowl
American Jewish University, Brandeis-Bardin campus
© Leslie Goldman
By 10 Billion Beats 9/18/09
"Sound - vibration - frequency - beat has for millennia been an avenue for outward creation and inner exploration. ... Sound provides us a pathway to the subtle energies in the deep reaches of our psyche.
"When we attune with the rhythm of those around us, we join in the harmonious dance of life. Sound interconnects us with others and transports us to consciousness states where we encounter insight, healing, growth, and our highest creativity."
Joy Krauthammer
Rain Stick, Sound Spa
Jewish Women's Theatre
© Deborah Alexander
Kalsman Institute's Jewish Wisdom & Wellness ~ Festival of Learning
Sound Spa Meditation
Ahavat Torah photos by Vicki Crawford
(edits by Joy)

Ocean Drum
Jewish Wisdom & Wellness ~ Festival of Learning
Sound Spa Meditation
sponsored by Kalsman Institute and Cedar's Sinai
Temple Ramat Zion
photo by Faye Melton
Jewish Wisdom & Wellness ~ Festival of Learning
Sound Spa Meditation
sponsored by Kalsman Institute and Cedar's Sinai
Temple Ramat Zion
Participant Zena illustrates rain stick.
photo by Faye Melton
Joy Krauthammer plays crystal singing bowl
with Betzalel Or ~ Jewish Art Guild
by Sandy Pond, founder of JAG 4.25.2016
Singing Bowls, Asian Mystique, Rancho de la Cordillera
© Joy Krauthammer
Singing Bowls, Asian Mystique, Rancho de la Cordillera
© Joy Krauthammer
Singing Bowls, Rancho Asian Mystique
© Joy Krauthammer
Asian Mystique in Music and Art
Asian Mystique, Rancho de la Cordillera, Northridge, CA
Asian Mystique in Music and Art program with Joy Krauthammer
Rancho de la Cordillera
Please leave your message to me by clicking below on COMMMENTS or find me in FB.
I look forward to hearing from you.
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"Sound vibrations speaks to our souls, speaks to our bodies, bypasses the cognitive mind and when that happens, the door opens and people can go through that door and discover miracles and mysteries in themselves that they've never imagined." (from documentary preview)
TOM KENYON, MA sound healer
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